Orlando, Fla. —Halloween is great fun for kids, we all know it, but sadly it can be an extremely expensive time for business owners. Warehouses, construction sites, yards and unoccupied premises are particularly vulnerable.

Police officers in Orlando have reported that around Halloween every year an uptick in crime occurs by criminals wearing Halloween masks.
This increase in crime is often by suspects in Halloween costume masks. According to the Orlando Sentinel, among many other incidents, two men in gorilla masks pistol whipped a man at a credit union and another reported incident occurred at a local restaurant where two robbers in Halloween masks stabbed a victim for money behind a restaurant.
Business owners are urged to review their safety provision and ensure that all loose materials are secured during the celebration on October 31st and throughout the week. A well-lit, locked and secured area with no visible targets will deter most Halloween criminals.
These are a few good tips on how to protect your business from potential theft or damage.
1. Keep the perimeter well lit: Falls are the huge cause of injury on Halloween. Keeping lights on overnight will prevent accidents and deter vandals. Installing motion sensor floodlights will accomplish the same goals while conserving energy.
2. Limit access to the property: Unless the business that is staying open and passing out treats, keep all entryways locked and be certain to secure windows. Control who holds keys.
3. Review your current security plan: Test alarms regularly and review your entire security system at least once a year.
4. Train employees to watch for unusual behavior: Criminals tend to lurk or investigate an area before committing a crime. Teach your employees to watch out for suspicious activity and have a proactive plan to deal with these individuals.
5. Celebrate safely: If your business is hosting a Halloween party, ensure that your fire protection system is effective and operating properly. Costumes and alcohol consumption can lead to an increase of fire hazards. Be certain that fire escapes are clearly marked, fire extinguishers are in the proper places, and do not hang any decorations from ceiling smoke detectors or sprinklers. When in doubt, contact your local fire station to request a review of your property.
According to the Journal of Management and Marketing Research the impact of crime in business can be prevented in a 3 stage process as described below.

As the cost of crime continues to escalate and cuts further into profits, businesses must increase preventive measures and develop more sophisticated methods to detect crime. Without employing a new crime prevention and detection strategy, many businesses could become unprofitable and susceptible to business failure.
Halloween should be fun, and a safe event to enjoy and celebrate with family and friends. The last thing you want is a phone ring from law enforcement telling you there was a problem in your business location.
As usual, the proper insurance coverage can give you peace of mind and lets you enjoy life at its best.
Have a wonderful Halloween!
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