Orlando, Fla.—The Holiday Season arrives with a great level of expectation from retailers to businesses in general. It is also the season when your business is at a greater risk, and your BOP insurance coverage comes in handy.
Not only you will need to keep an eye for injuries cause by excess of decoration, and electric cords, tree and fire hazards, but there are many other areas that must be of concern.
For example, because of added crowds and inventory, the holidays are ripe with opportunities for theft. Not only from shoplifters, but from employees as well. For some businesses, employee theft is a big problem during the holidays because employees have access to other valuables like cash, and it isn't limited to just retail shops.
If you believe someone is shoplifting, stay close by and make it clear to the suspects, that you have eyes on them.
Holiday theft is at a high point during the holiday season.
Also, looking for convenient ways to get that shopping list crossed off as fast as possible, more shoppers are making their purchases online. And as this trend continues, so will the increased need for online security measures for those stores. Hackers are on the lookout for easy ways to steal identities, credit cards, and even cash or merchandise. If you offer online shopping options, this cannot be an area to cut corners.
- If possible, operate with at least two people for all shifts, especially opening and closing shifts, when employees are more vulnerable.
- Limit Access to areas that are off limits to customers. Use signs indicating “Employees Only” for back rooms and storage areas.
- Control activity in your store. Deter shoppers from entering your business with open bags, large totes, etc. Consider using signage at the entrances that indicate no open bags or large bags are allowed. Give customers an option to tape their bag closed with decorative tape that you provide. It is not recommended that you store bags for your customers.
- Make sure you can see the front door, that there are no “hidden areas” and your shelves are positioned so that someone cannot hide.
- Use a code word or name that indicates immediate assistance is needed or that the police need to be called. It can be used over the intercom, in person, or by word of mouth. Make sure all employees know the word or name and what it means.
- Hire additional staff as greeters standing around all entry/exit points, making eye contact with all customers. Small talk is a deterrent for criminal activity.
- Anyone can shoplift or steal from you. Avoid stereotypes.
- Never leave the cash register or money unattended. Try to make frequent bank drops avoiding routines that can be anticipated.
- Don’t count money or move money while customers are still in the store.
- Increase visibility from the outside looking in.
If you have questions about insurance coverage or need a free quote, please contact us at Garzor Insurance (321) 206-8035.
Mariana Zorrilla CIC,CRIS
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